Tuesday, July 31, 2007
one more good cry...
Sadie Sophisticated Lady

Rest Peacefully, Little Angel
Monday, July 30, 2007
goodbye, old pal

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Sadie Love
My cousin Sadie is very sick. A few weeks ago she found out she has a tumor, and recently she's been getting more and more sick. This weekend now she can't walk around very well and her head is tilted and she's throwing up and leaking yucky stuff out of her bum constantly.
I think she's getting ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge. And that makes me cry.
She's had a good life - she 13 years old - but I'm going to miss her a lot. She was the first doggin I ever met face to face (Fig was not allowed to meet me face to face for a long time because she tried to kill me) and I LOVE her, even though she doesn't play much because she's an old lady.
We took this video this afternoon. She likes being outside.
Please keep us in your thoughts. This is the doggin that Massah and her family grew up with - Massah said she is the BEST dog... even better behaved than ME, if you can believe it! And Massah-in-law especially loves her, so if you're the praying kind please say a prayer because we're very sad here.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
a setback
Yeah, I realize that I don't do it correctly 100% of the time. And yes, I realize that even if I DID do it perfectly every single time, that's still not very impressive. I don't have enough time to learn all kinds of cool tricks like Amber (since I'm in a hurry to get to my BFF Lola Sprout Beyonce) so I decided to enlist the help of Mean Sister Fig.
She obviously didn't cooperate. I don't know WHY, since a partnership would result in me LEAVING - which she would be very happy about - but what can you do. She's a moody girl. So I'm still thinking.... Perhaps if I just stand outside, people would drive by just to see me and then give me money because I would be the most handsome, manly dog they've ever seen...?!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
my PLAN!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
lazy days
And then I do this for a while:
And then I do this some more:
It's a rough life, I tell ya.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Massah is evil evil evil EVIL and I want to run away and live with my BFF Lola Sprout Beyonce because I can give her my clothes and she can put them on and win all kinds of contests because she's so funny wearing them, and then she can enter contests to win MONEY for her beautiful pictures and then we can buy treats and I will help her eat them all because Massah wouldn't be there to take them away from me and tell me that it will make my pancreas angry again. I think that's a pretty good plan, if I do say so myself, huh?!
And we've been too busy to read everyone else's blogs, so I apologize on Massah's behalf. She's been out of town with work (another mighty suspicious red flag, if you ask me... going up to Chicago - isn't that where all the gangsters are?) but she is now home and will help me catch up on everybody lives soon. I'm happy to be back and even happier to get out of that evil GIRL shirt she stuffed me in!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
LOOOOOOLA (sorry if this is messed up - Blogger is not cooperating)
Massah looked away for an instant, and LOOK WHO STUCK HER SMOOSHED UP NOSE IN MY PRESENT!
But that toy she got out... oh I LOVE it!!!!! It's a frog, and I used to have one but Massah threw it away.... This is the last picture of us together:

Anyway, I got lots of other stuff too! A fabulous SNAKE!!!!! Look how happy Snake is! He loves to be chewed on!
I was so excited that Massah made me stop playing because she thought I would give myself a stroke since I was so EXCITED! (These pictures were taken over a two-day period, for my saftey.) And that's not all I got - Lola sent me a beautiful note with her picture on it too!
And a squeaky bone!