I can do several hair styles with this one.

And my shirt says Tough Guy on the back. We didn't get a picture of that. But it's really cool. Because I am a tough rocker guy.

I've noticed that some bands wear weird shirts and mix-n-match things and wear hats, so I combined this shirt:

with this hat!

What 'cha think?

And some bands go for the preppy look. I can do that too!

I was really into posing for Massah at this point.

I kinda like this one, if I do say so myself.

And we tried one more hair style. (Look at jealous Mean Sister Fig - ha!)

I just don't know what I like best! But I do have my own agent.

And I even come with a ready-made groupie! (Look at her fat neck roll - ha!)

Thanks so much for letting me join you guys! Let me know what look will fit in the best!

I like the high pony tail - reminds me of Gene Simmons from KISS.
You are so versatile little one, everything looks GOOD on you! I personally love all your styles, they are unique and suited to you. You would win hands down amongst us all.
Great big hugs from Billy Boo:)xox
PS...love the neck roll on Fig haha!
ha! You're a winner, Tadpole! I like the pony tail, too. Maybe you ought to dye some of your hair...
Definitely the rocker look. That's super-fly! Fig can come on tour with us & be a roadie!
Maybe Fig can be the bodyguard.
Tadpole.. I LOVE the hat picture! You look awesome! I agree with Billy.. you are so versatile!!
Hugs, Sitka
Move over Sanjaya!
Bussie Kissies
totally rocker, dude.
Tad, you are hilarious. You must spend hours in front of the mirror trying all those different hair styles. I love the little top of the head tuft!
We like the last pic for your rocker hair style!! YAY
You are simply the cutest rocker we know!!
You were born to perform baby!
Rock on, Tadpole! All of your looks are hot...you've just added to the image of our band. We're going to take the music world by storm.
xoxo - Bella
man I like them all. I think you should just change between them.
Tadpole, you are ready to become even more famous than you already are! We're sure that your band will be a big hit all over the world. We don't think you should go with just one look. You have to keep your adoring public guessing so we think you should mix it up some. One look for the North American tour, one for Europe, you know keep it fresh where ever you go! Our dad used to work for bands and he says he sees true star potential from you and your bandmates. And the name, "Howling Jowls", is PERFECT!Go be famous!! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Hiya Tadpole,
You gonna charm all the babes with your rocker look!! Way kewllllll!!
I definitely like the preppy look!
Oh my dog Tapole
You look so cute in the last shot.
You rock!!!!!
I think you look best in the pokadot hat. - You're a SUPERSTAR!
Frenchie Kisses,
Hey Tadpole, you have the coolest hairstyle. I wish I have long hair to style them like yours
~ fufu
Oh Tadpole..I am a tad bit jealous that you are in the band and I knew nothing of it...oh well...I think you should switch up with the fashion. You are one hunky dog. Sorry I havent been to your blog lately...i have been so busy with my babies. But i promise i will stop by more often now.
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