Monday, April 30, 2007
bones and dog parks!
Friday, April 27, 2007

Anyway, this is for her:
Thursday, April 26, 2007
But as soon as she gets home, I'm OUTTA THERE! After a full evening of running around chasing Fig, chewing on socks, licking the carpet, and trying to steal toys away from Fig, I crawl up on the couch and start to get sleepy.

Not long after that point, I'm ready to go upstairs to bed! I'm too scared to go up the steps by myself (they CURVE! and you can SEE THROUGH THEM!) so I stand on the third step and wait for Massah to carry me up.

While Massah is getting ready for bed, sometimes I play with my toys. A lot of times I curl up in the closet on top of dirty clothes, but Massah doesn't want to show everyone her dirty clothes so there's just a picture of me and a toy. It's my Chuck-a-Duck and Mean Sister Fig likes to play with it too. I think this is what she was yelling about in the video yesterday, actually.

Once Massah gets in bed, I have to get as close to her as I can. I like to sleep by her neck. (She doesn't know how to make faces blurry in pictures, so you're just supposed to ignore her - which shouldn't be hard because I'M there and I'm much nicer to look at.) This was before she cut off her hair... I used to chew on it like bubble gum. I wish she'd grow it back. *sigh*

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
*evil laugh*

I know, I know. It's not my best shot, and yes, I'll concede that it's a little frightening, but you know... what can you do with humans who do weird things to your hair and then take pictures?
On to more things not quite as disturbing: I have a video of me bothering Mean Sister Fig. This is one of my favorite things to do! She LOVES to play tug-o-war with Massah, and it used to bother me that I couldn't play along (she won't let me, the mean thing). However, I found a way to involve myself and bother her at the same time! It's brilliant! While she's playing, I sneak up beside her and bite her legs and shoulder and ears! She gets so MAD at me! Hee! But she's so focused on her tugging game that she can't stop and bite me back, so I just keep doing it! It's great! You can't really see her in this video because it's kinda dark, but that's okay. You can see me, and that's all that matters!
Oh how I love to annoy her!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
oh good grief

Friday, April 20, 2007
it just continues!
I don't know why she bought that stuff anyway - it's gross to stuff things up your nose. Anyway, I truly feel awful about what I've done over the past 2 days. I don't know what's come over me. Perhaps it's a full moon...?
Look how sorry I am. I couldn't even look her in the face. I'm properly ashamed of myself.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
my sister
Ahh. I love her. This is the latest picture of us together - from last night.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
my name

sadness in my heart

Monday, April 16, 2007
a tiny adventure
I was so excited to see her that I didn't know what to do!! I just kept wiggling and she got nervous because she thought I would wiggle away and run into the building and get in trouble. I just couldn't contain my excitement thought! Look how scared she was that I was going to get into trouble! Hee hee!
I only got to spend a couple minutes with her, but I think I cheered her up with my kisses.
Please excuse the bad pictures - it was just so chaotic because I wasn't supposed to be there and we were trying to hurry! I got a couple good licks in, though.
Friday, April 13, 2007
this weekend

Thursday, April 12, 2007
testing, testing....
Massah is trying to figure out how to put videos on here... we'll see if it works!
exposed: my trusting nature

I have been wronged. I am vexed. And outraged. What an affront.... I don't know if I can ever trust it again. It's disgraceful.

Massah keeps telling me that I fell off by myself. How ridiculous. I know how to sit on that thing! I've done it for months without any incidents. It has it out for me for some reason. Maybe it's teaming up with Mean Sister Fig to keep me off. Need to think about this....
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
my treats

Either way, I LOVE my baby carrots! I can do one trick (yes, only one...) but I can do it really good, if I can get baby carrots. Look at me sitting pretty!

Monday, April 9, 2007
Happy East...zzz...zzz...zzz...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

And some bands go for the preppy look. I can do that too!

And we tried one more hair style. (Look at jealous Mean Sister Fig - ha!)