Monday, April 13, 2009

we want to puke

My girl is VERY ANGRY and it is NOT at me! Petra posted a little bit about Teddy/Timmy on her blog, and I've decided to give Massah a chance to get her frustrations out here.

She works with a lady (she is VERY tempted to give out this woman's name and address so everyone can mail her some poo) who recently got a dog for her grandchildren. They got the dog two months ago, and ever since he arrived (they named him Timmy), my girl has heard all about how he pees and poops all over the house and no body takes care of the dog and no one pays any attention to him and how much she hates him and wants to get rid of him. She had hinted a few times that she would like to get rid of him, but on Friday after work, she said she wanted to give him away. When my girl got home, she told her parents (Motch) and they thought it might be a nice time for our Grammy to get someone to love (Grandpa's funeral was one month ago Saturday). When my girl and Motch showed up *just to visit Timmy* they handed the dog over, along with him crate, his travel taxi, his food, toys, chews, and treats, and told them to leave with the dog. After spending Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon with him, it was very clear that little Timmy didn't know his name (after two months!) didnt' recognize the words "outside", "potty", "bathroom", "go" or any other words that he should have recognized in his first week. While Massah was at Grammy's house with Timmy (who Grammy re-named Teddy because he looks like a sweet little teddy bear, and they didn't teach him his name anyway), Motch callede with former owners to give them an update. The girl told my mom she wanted the dog back. Sobbing like a spoiled little child. My girl was SO ANGRY that she couldn't even go to drop Teddy off - Motch and P.A. had to do it themselves. She is still sick to her stomach that little Teddy had to go back there, where he will be neglected and his needs abandoned. My girls says that those people should be shot, and she cries when she thinks about him, sitting there patiently waiting for some attention and not getting any, getting more and more confused and wondering what he's done wrong, and getting yelled at for doing what he has learned to do to survive. And this is just an rambling post because she can't think straight. We'll end with pictures of Teddy and Grammy. He is a cutie. I hope a miracle happens and he somehow finds someone to love him like he deserves. (excuse the quality - she forgot the camera and had to use her phone)

He was quite comfortable as soon as he got into her lap, and pretty soon he laid his head in her hand and settled in for a nap.


Raising Addie said...


Teddy should be with your grandma! There is no doubt about it. That poor furbaby shouldn't be allowed to stay in that house where they couldn't even teach him his names.

Oh we pray that she finds his way back to your grandma!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Bijou said...


This news makes be sad and angry. I don't think mom would have returned the dog to those stoopid humans. They do not deserve to have even a rock for a pet. They gave Teddy up willingly so should not have him returned so easily.

My heart is aching for poor Teddy. The loving care he got from your Grammy is probably the first he has ever had. I hope they change their mind again and Teddy and Grammy are reunited.


Peanut said...

Hopefully they give him up again soon and he gets to come live with Grammy. That is awful awful awful.

Ruby Bleu said...

That makes me so angry too...just look how happy Grammy looks! I think her and Teddy were meant to be together. We should totally all send poop to that mean person! Thank dog for Massah and Motch! I sure hope Teddy/Timmy is ok!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Beckett said...

This is so sad.

Beckett & his mom

Jen and Suki said...

This makes us very sad for Teddy and angry at the stoopid hoomans. Mojo and I make a LOT of poops so we have plenty to contribute to the poopoo package!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Tad!
I am so sorry to hear about Teddy situation!
It is very sad what is happening to him.
I am preparing a poo package... just in case you decide to give us the address!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

We are crossing paws that Teddy will get to go back and live with Grammy. Some people are just not meant to have pets.

Mack said...

We are crossing our dewclaws and praying for a miracle over here.

I think Teddy belongs with your Gwamma, no doubt about it!

Dandy Duke said...

Look how happy Teddy/Timmy looks with your grammy, Tad! Mom says that woman should be ashamed asking for him back! What a jerk!
We sure hope his hoomans wise up and start appreciating him! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

MJ's doghouse said...

my mom agrees....but she would have used innappropriate words...i think we should get together as a dog gang and break teddy out....what do you think |Tad

wally said...

OK, that is effed up. I can't even believe that. I hope they wise up and do the right thing.

And I'd like to send a big Wally snug to your mom who deserves it.

wally t.

Joe Stains said...

pleeeasse, I want to mail them a box of poop SOOOOOO BAAAAAAADDDDDDDD!

FleasGang said...

We hope that Teddy has explosive diarrhea! You'll be sure to get him back then.

Hoping for the best
Shelly and Tommy

The Brat Pack said...

That's just horrible and so sad!!!