Saturday, March 1, 2008

sleepy day

We tried to go to the dog park today, since it was in the mid-40's. I even put on my new shirt (you never know if Pinkie or Poppy or ChaChi Lu or Ruby or any of the other ladies might show up... even if Massah says they don't live close enough) but when we got there all we saw was MOOSH and MUD and SLUSH and MELTING SNOW and DIRT and while other pups might like that, I'm a little bit hesitant to get my little paws filthy like that. Things like that usually end in a B-A-T-H and I get enough of those already. So anyway, we came back home and are having a lazy, relaxing day.

Yes, yes you are seeing that correctly. I don't know why, but I'm sleeping between Mean Sister Fig's legs.



Ferndoggle said...

It's yucky & slushy & muddy here too. Last night we had like 15 jillion inches of snow too!! But it's rained all day.

How many days till Spring?

Oh...and nice corn shank.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Tad!
Sure is nice to share the love! We all know Figs loves you and now we have the proof!
Kisses and hugs

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...that was certainly a Kodak moment. We know the truth...Fig really loves you!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

I think Fig might be a little grumpy when she sees this!!!

Dandy Duke said...

What a nice warm spot!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Awww Fig just wants to be extra close to you - how sweet!! I'm actually looking forward to seeing some mud around here - everything is all dry and dusty and horrible at the moment :(


Moco said...

We are wondering if Fig ended up biting you in the head.

Anonymous said...

Yous looks so comfie sneeping with Figs, see she really does wove yous so much.
How is the campaign goings, Nanny printed your pics and they is hangin in hers office, peoples at work thinks she is dog cwasy, guess what they is soooooooo wight

Poppy said...

See, I think all that "I hate IT" stuff is a front. She clearly loves you! Mommy and Daddy let me sleep all cozy between their legs, and I know it means they love me!

By the way, even if I saw you without your snazzy shirt at the DP, I would still think you were cutie-poo!!!


Peanut said...

Ah you look so comfy but I think fig is going to get you back for posting those pics and video.

Deefor said...

You guys do look lovey. Wonder what you were dreaming about. When we have a nice day it is muddy here too. But I like mud.


MJ's doghouse said...

oh tad...fig loves you...she really really loves you..ummm hide the shank...

Mack said...

But what did Fig do when she woke up in that odd position???

Hopefully you have since recovered!

Petra said...

Yeah, I ended up in the bathrub after the trip to the dog park.

Tad, your pink skin color matches the pink on Fig's collar. Looks like you're lovin the snuggling!

Lady Kaos said...

aww, how cute you guys are. It's a mess here, too. We were supposed to get 2 inches of snow yesterday and ended up with almost 9 and it's been melting very nicely today.

Luckie Girl said...

Is she trying to HUMP you? LOL!! But I thought it was a very sweet thing of you to stay still and endure her legs around you. :P

Stanley said...

Hey, TadMan!

It's been going from 70 degrees to 15 degrees here, buddy. And the slush and mud are EVERYWHERE! I personally like the muck, but I understand why you don't.

Do you really think it's a good idea to put yourself in such a vulnerable position - sleeping between Fig's legs and all? She must not mind, or is one heck of a heavy sleeper. How did that HAPPEN?

Goober love & smooches,