My man
Hugo tagged me a while ago and I'm finally getting it done! This was long and hard and I had to put my thinking cap on (courtesy of Stanley).

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die!
1. gain 30 pounds
2. get paid for my job at the prison
3. make my nails stop growing so I wouldn’t have to get them cut
4. grow my chest hair out so it drags on the ground
5. win a game of tug-of-war with
Fig6. eat my weight in poo (in one day)
7. get elected
7 Things I Do Now!
1. make big-boy pee pee
2. cuddle
3. eat baby carrots
4. pretend I don’t understand what “no” means
5. poo in the house
6. wear coats and sweaters
7. lay in Fig’s crate and lick her blankets
7 Things I Can't Do!
1. eat peoples food
2. bark like a big-boy dog
3. avoid baths
4. see out windows
5. sleep with anyone but Massah
6. ingest chapstick
7. open cupboard doors
7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex!
1. corduroy jackets (!)
2. small stature
3. a love for naked men
4. snuggle-lover
5. secure (to be with a slightly effeminate guy like me)
6. bicycles with baskets
7. doggles
7 Things I Say Most Often!
1. baby carrot?!
2. outside?!
3. hungry?!
4. ride in the car?!
5. FIG!!!
6. food?!
7. okay?!
7 Celebrities That I Admire!
1. Tramp
2. the Black Stallion
3. Benji
4. Pongo
5. Ariel
6. Nemo
7. Carol Channing
Now... TAG! You're it!