Sunday, June 1, 2008

watching the Cubs

While Massah was reveling in the Cub's glorious plays, I wandered into Leah's room. Look what I found after rumaging around for a while!

I was just showing support any way I could, you know?


Mack said...

It didn't sound like Leah was too upset though. I noticed Figg in the background looking longingly at the cap !!

Petra said...

Uh oh! I hope massah put the hat back before Leah found out. You can't touch her Cubs stuff, Tadpole!

nl1990 said...

ooh Tad - are you secretly from "da sout side?"


Lorenza said...

Hi, Tad!
I hope you are not in trouble after that!
Kisses and hugs

MJ's doghouse said... are soooooooooo lucky you didnt get put on doggy arrest...i am NOT allowed to chew any sort of seems i have a weee bit of a problem with buttons...but...only the ones that are attatched to a good shirt...

Poppy said...

Tad, you're too cute to get in trouble! That's how it works at my house anyway. They should get you your own baseball outfit so you don't have to "borrow" Leah's.


Moco said...

Never and I mean never do you want to get caught on tape. It might go before a Congressional committee and how would you explain what you were doing. SHRED IT NOW!

wally said...

Way to go Tad and Cubbies! And totally cool Bears pillow.


leah said...

i just now saw this and i am NOT HAPPY.

Stanislaw said...

Wow Tad. You look like a muscular beast when you're being No No Naughty Boy.