oh tadpole..it looks to me like you found a lost bunny that was not breathing properly and you were trying to give it mouth to mouth breaths...to make it live...what a good boy tad....you are my hero...
Oh dear...does the "three strikes" rule apply in your house? Remember to use this defense: Why do you leave things on the floor if I am not allowed to have them?
hehe :) great dog!
Hi, Tad!
I think you need a good excuse!
Kisses and hugs
You are living by a thin thread, boy. I would watch my back if I was you. Of course, nothing is what it seems. That might be your out.
oh tadpole..it looks to me like you found a lost bunny that was not breathing properly and you were trying to give it mouth to mouth breaths...to make it live...what a good boy tad....you are my hero...
Point your paw at Fig! That should solve it.
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
hmm the plot thickens.
Um...I think you are going to have to move now.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You'd better think fast and hard, Tadpole. You're in REAL trouble now.
clearly the rabbit needed assistance! you were just tending to his needs!!
Thank goodness you rescued that rabbit from the marauding band of chimpanzees you had just chased from the room.
I think you're going to have to come up with a REALLY good story to explain your way out of that one!
Toodle pip
Harry x
I bet that bunny come out to find you to play right Tadpole
~ Girl girl
Mr. Rabbit looks kinda wet! You could always tell Leah you were giving him some kisses!
The stuffy asked for a little nibble, and you were just obeying the stuffy. I use that one when my mom's shoes ask me to remove the heels.
Oh dear...does the "three strikes" rule apply in your house? Remember to use this defense: Why do you leave things on the floor if I am not allowed to have them?
Oh Tad, good luck with that one Buddy!
Ozzy and Rocky
That wasn't very cool to eat the bunny, but you do have the coolest dog hair ever!
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