Tuesday, August 7, 2007

our new home (massah: TEMPORARY)

As you might know, Massah, my Mean Sister Fig and I have moved in with Massah's parents until we get into our own house. I think this is the best idea EVER and that we should always stay here and NEVER EVER LEAVE but Massah says no we will move out as soon as we can. Poo. I don't know why she wants to move out so badly - we get to see Motch and PA every single day and jump on them a lot, we get to play with The Boy because he's home most of the time, Massah-in-law lives very close by so she visits quite frequently... it all adds up to a GREAT TIME!!! Here is one of my favorite things to do with The Boy - he sneaks up close to my face...

We bare our teeth...

And play BITEY FACE!!!

The following are a couple of my best shots. (They are blurry because I move like a lightening-fast ninja and snap so quickly that it's difficult to get a good picture.)

And afterwards we always end with kisses.

I know Massah-in-law teased Stanley's mom with a promise of juicy shnoz pictures, but in the interest of her well-being I've chosen not to post them all here at once. I think she might faint, because she thinks I'm so handsome and smart and lovable and cute and intelligent and gorgeous (well, I think her actual word was "SMOOCHILICIOUS" but I think that is the actual definition, among other flattering adjectives) and to see more than one at once would be detrimental to her heath. So I'm only going to show you ONE right now:

There are more, but I'll save them for another day. :-)


Moco said...

I think you must be a long lost relative of ours. I can see your brain when I look up your nose. That seems to be a trait that this family has also. Enjoy your time at the relatives.

Peanut said...

oh my bitey face with the boy seems like fun. My mom loves loves loves that last picture of you. Don't listen to Grammie by the way. Moms says she's a little crazy and always has been. But we love her anyway. haha

Sparky said...

I've never played bitey face - but I've played bitey toes with my pop!

BTW - you are tagged!!! I want to know all about your breed!

Ferndoggle said...

OMDoG Tadpole!! You look so very scary in those pictures!! My, what big teeth you have!!

Bitey face is the coolest game EVER!


Unknown said...

Oh Tad! You've got my mama all smooshed up to the monitor I can't even get a lookiloo. Whachu got in your nose :)


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Tad those are great pictures. Stanny's girl is going to have a heart attack...but in a good way. Bitey face is one of my all time favorite games...but Mom won't play with me like The Boy...I can only play with my doggin friend Bruno or Joey.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

leah said...


that last picture made me laugh so hard i started crying last night! it looks like you have huge lips and you're puckering up to give a hooman kiss! HA!

love love love!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Tad.
You look scary in those pictures! Fortunatelly is just a game you like to play and ends with kisses!
She is right... you are smoochilicious!!
Enjoy you time there with your family until Massah gets your new home!

Stanley said...


In the interest of peace in GooberStan, I thank you for showing restraint in the juicy schnoz posting area. My girl is practically pawing at the pooter screen to get to you, buddy! She lurves you, but you already know that!

Love the bitey face. You are very convincing as a psycho terrier!!

Goober love,

Asta said...

Finally someone with the cowwect definition of smoochilicious, and you awe that!!!!
I love your polka dots..I have them too..maybe we're welated??????
bitey face is a wondwful game and you seem to be an expawt..you could scawe bad guys with those teefs..but then that kiss, yum, I want one too
smoochie kisses

Frasier said...

Those are sharp teethies !!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Tad,
You have really SHARP teeth. Remind me not to mess with ya. I love your last pikture. YOu have that movie star suave look that says..doncha wish your dog was HOT like me? Doncha....doncha....

Jen and Suki said...

You've got nostrils to die for. Not literally, but those things are AWESOME.

Ume said...

i luv to play bitey-face too! but my hooman doesnt share my passion... *sigh*
luv those teefies pix! n your last pic was totally smoochilicious, totally!!!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

We think you look very tough when you show your teeth. Very manly.


Jen and Suki said...

Oh Tad, I forgot to mention in my last post that Trigger has decided to be my bff while Jakey (former beagle bff) has become totally annoyed by my mere presence. Sooo finicky, those old dogs. The best part though is that Trigs lets me ride on his back and bite him all over and then we play tug-of-war with my loofa frienemy.

MJ's doghouse said...

Oh my goodness Tad...you look very debonaire...in that last picture...you could be a super model for calvin canine or something like that...

Goofy said...

Hi Tadpole, I never play bitey face before.. Is it really fun???


Joe Stains said...

well, none of our humans play bitey face with US, what a bunch of jerks. Send that boy over here!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh bitey face then kisses. You're so sweet Tadpole. Your temporary new home does look very fun now

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Oooooh, nice teethies Tad! My sista Faith also likes to play Bitey Face with my mommy until my mommy's face is full over red marks. Heeheehee!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

ToFFee said...

that last picture is priceless!

looks like you're gearing up for a smoochie!

bitey face with hoomans? sound like fun.. i need to try that!


wally said...

Tad--I wish I could live with my granny because her house was big and air conditioned. And had pastrami. You look supertuff in those bitey pictures. I wouldn't cross ya.


Ricky Pepper said...

Oh Tad my sisters think you are soooooooooo smoochalicious. Sheesh. Your hair looks better than the Fonzie's!


Casper and pals said...

BITEY FACE looks like a very scary game!

coco said...

hahahahah i loooove the pictures of you playing bitey face with The Boy! that is just hilarious - you are so good at baring your teeth and look totally fierce and super scary!

The Boy always plays with me when i'm at motch's too. he's fun!

luvs, coco

Balboa said...

I think Fig may have to becareful of those razor sharp teeth!!!!!!!

Frenchie Snorts

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

Such scary looking shots!!!!! Your teeth are the greatest---and your nose! Did you 'pay' for such a great nose?
