Friday, August 10, 2007

lazy sleepy sickly cuddly

I've been tagged in a couple games, and I promise I'll get to them, but right now I have more important business to attend to. Massah doesn't feel well so I'm concentrating all my energy on comforting her. We're going to take the next couple days off and relax together - I'll try to visit everyone's blogs this weekend. For now, sleep and stay cool my friends!


Peanut said...

Ah we hope Massah feels better soon. Take good care of her Tad

coco said...

sending get-well vibes and prayers massah's way, tad. well at least you gets to snuggle up with her more while she's down.

pee s. keep massah and auntie laughing, ponydog. mom says it floods their hooman bodies with "happy hormoans" and appawently that is good for them!

Balboa said...

Mommy and me are sending you lots of frenchie kisses which are proven to make people feel better.

Get well soon
Frenchie Get well kisses

Frasier said...

You guys are doing agreat job.Mommy has always said that there is nothing more comforting when you are sick,to hear a doggy breathing under the covers

Jen and Suki said...

Oooh nooo! I hope Massah feels better soon. Mommy has been sick so hopefully she didn't send you her germs over the blog lines.

You're such a good comforter! Do I see therapy dog in your future?

Ruby Bleu said...

Feels better Massah! Taddy, take real good care of her and give her lots of love and kisses, ok?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Tad.
I am sure you will make Massah feel better soon.
But I can help you sending good vibes from here!
Take care

The Airechicks said...

Sorry your Mommy does not feel well - yes you need to keep a very close eye on her....

We've got the AIREZEN going...


Wimsey said...

Hope she feels better soon! Snuggle up close and drool a little on her, it always works with mine.


Anonymous said...

Massah, I hop you feel better soon!

wally said...

Aw--poor massah! Take good care of her. She takes good care of you and your occasionally runny poo! Ooh, reading that is probably not going to make her feel better.

Well, I hear up the nose smooches are great for healing.


Stanley said...


AireZen and lots of goober love to your Massah! I could send some Goober juice (my drool) if you like. It has healing properties...

Goober love & hugs,

Joe Stains said...

oh no tell massah we hope she feels better very soon! you two look like good nurses!

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Tell your Massah we hope she gets well soon. Be sure to cuddle up next to her, that will surely make her feel much better.

Ozzie & Rocky

Luckie Girl said...

Bummer, I hope Massah gets well soon. I will be thinking lotsa pawsitive thoughts for her. MUACK!

Toby said...

Oh Tad, we hope Massah gets better real soon! Keep up with the snugglies...they make the humans get better quicker!!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh, please take care Massah & Tadpole. See you in a few days time!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Evie said...

Awwww, poor massah. Well I'll bet as long as you're by her side she's feeling a lot better.

Emily and Ike said...

You are such a good boy - hope your mommy is better soon.

Jessica said...

Look at you two taking good care of Massah.

Get well soon.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Poppy said...

Try to sit right on top of her...that always makes my mom feel better!


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Tad,

We havent been blogging cause my mum's been sick all week too.

Hope Massah feels better soon.

xxx Asta down under

Ferndoggle said...

Oh No...Sick Massah!! Lots of kisses up the nose will help her feel better soon!

You & Fig need to give her lots of therapy.


ycling said...

I hope Massah gets better soon!

Lickety lick,
Max & hoomans