We are all alive and well, with no more nasty things inside our bodies. As I said in my last post, I have NOT been allowed to kiss Massah. *sigh* It's been so terribly difficult. Here I am, trying valiently to hold my tongue in.... It has a mind of its own and it automatically tries to go up her nose.
This is what we've been doing - layzing around and watching way too many reruns of reality shows.
I have of course been incredibly helpful. And after sleeping approximately 65 of the last 72 hours, we are back to normal!
Although the vet'narin said nasty, NASTY things about me (like, "Tadpole does not need to gain any weight") there weren't any major problems, unless you count lack of blood because they stole a lot of that. However, my girl did not get the same response from her vet'narin; she has to have some surgery tomorrow (nothing major... she'll be home tomorrow afternoon). I only say this so you will not worry if you don't see us for a while. I'm sure she'll moan and groan for days on end and use this pathetic surgery as an excuse to avoiding helping out around the blogs. The negative: we have already been told we are NOT ALLOWED to kiss her at all tomorrow (I don't know how I'll survive). The positive: she will be stuck at home for a few days and under the influence of anaesthetic and will perhaps feed us several times a day because she won't remember if she's fed us before. Keep your dewclaws crossed!
tomorrow will be the worst day of the year. at 5-00 pm my girl will drag me and mean sister fig to the car, only to force us to enter the dark doors of a "clinic" that will steal my blood and inject me with mysterious chemical compounds. a "doctor fraker" will poke and prod me with torture instruments, all the while speaking in a soothing tone and telling me "it's okay, taaaaadpole." men and women in lab coats will murmur quietly in the background, while other animals run back and forth past the door - are they trying to escape the horrible and painful demise awaiting them? i will smell the unique scents of those brave souls who have gone heroically before me and have.... *sigh* i can't bear to even finish that thought.
is this a new "hannibal" installment? a lost scene from "x-men"? the newest "batman" franchise? a never-before-seen scene from benjamin linus?