Sunday, February 24, 2008

oooh's and ahhh's

This post is for Massah. She is very proud of herself, and I'm offering a platform for her to brag. Direct your attention to the photo below:

Please note that these are from Valentine's Day... and they are STILL ALIVE!!!

I do not know how she's managed this feat, but there is visual proof.... (please ignore the odd African tribesman in the background)

OH - and Grammy, these are from The Boy, so don't get your hopes up.


Ruby Bleu said...

ooooh those are purty! Mom got some, but she killed them already. There's no hope for her!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Tad!
Those flowers are pretty! If they are still alive its because Massah has a good hand!
I hope you had a great weekend

MJ's doghouse said...

those are very pretty flowers tad...did you get any of those for valentines day...or did you send them to your girlfriends...

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, strong plant & flowers!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mack said...

Just who is this mysterious "Boy"????

Peanut said...

What pretty flowers. My mom would have killed them by now.

Petra said...

Am I impressed --- these are beautiful! You didn't get your green thumb from Motchie.

Lady Kaos said...

Those are very pretty!! What kind of flowers are those? All of a sudden my mom has a green thumb (it used to be a nice shade of dead) and can't seem to stop buying plants that end up too big or end up in 4 pots because it kept making baby plants. Something happened to her when she met Dad. THAT'S IT! Tell her she needs to find a "man" (not a boy) and she'll be able to keep plants alive!

Joe Stains said...

wow those sure are pretty, and alive! Mom is really good at killing flowers!

Anonymous said...

Doggone! And my hopes were higher than a kite! Oh well... pretty flowers for a beautiful lady! Good for "The Boy". He is very thoughtful! Now, don't you eat them Tad. They are to look at only. Congrats, Massah! You have SO many talents....just take it from Grammy

Moco said...

Very pretty flowers. You will need to plant that outside so it can be your new tree.