Well, Massah has moved into Phase Two of her ridiculous anti-poo-eating campaign.
Speaking of campaigns, when I get sworn into office, I'm going to make it LEGAL and ENCOURAGED to eat poo; that'll be my first order to business. Anway, this is what she came home with today:

Some kind of "veterinary strength" evilness. I (and Fig) will begin taking it with our meals tomorrow morning. I heard this is the
strong stuff, so I'm going to have some hard times ahead of me if I want to continue asserting my doggie rights of poo-eating. But I intend to succeed; it'll take more than repulsive powder on my food to stop me.
And all this on top of an injury. Just look at me:

We do not know what happened, but there is a big scratch on my neck. Boo. You'd think after looking at this, she feel so sorry for me that she'd give me a big old plate of poo.

Apparently she doesn't agree.