As you've probably seen on
Petra's blog, our Grandpa is sick. :-( That's why we haven't been around as much; but we're hoping to eventually get back to a regular blogging and reading scheudule. In the meantime, I have been busy doing the 2 things I do best - looking handsome and manly, and making my girl smile. Here I am doing the former:

And now the latter:

To be perfectly frank, I think I look handsome and manly in ALL of them....
Yes, we heard that our GrandPop isn't feeling well and that makes us sad. But you are doing a great job making US smile too! Get well soon GrandPop!!
Shelly & Tommy
You do look handsome and manly in all of them. We are glad you are helping Massah smile
Hi, Tad!
I have my paws crossed for your Grandpa!
Handsome, manly, lovely and silly! Yes!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Kisses and hugs
You are SO right, Tad. You look handsome in every single photo, and manly in all but one. My girl would like to have a navigational copilot such as yourself on her lap whenever she's behind the wheel. Do you ever rent yourself out?
We are still praying for and thinking about your grandpa. We know that Motch is probably a little tired out now, but we're hoping things go well and he doesn't have to move out of the nursing home unless he wants to.
Goober love,
Aw, Tad. We are sad with your news. We hope that your Grandpa will get well soon.
Your handsome and manly face made me feel better after reading your post, though.
your friend from the Philippines,
the animal doctor's pet
Sorry to hear about Gramps. Hope he gets better soon.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Stuffed from eating a BIG feast,
Solid Gold Dancer
We are so sorry to hear about your grandpa. We hope he gets better real soon!
Happy Valentine's Day!
We hope you both get lots of treats and hugs today!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Taddy...when you are right you are right!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
i agree tadpole you are a very handsome young man...and your sis fig looks pretty nice too...we hope things are very much better...and wish motch a happy anniversary for us....
G’day Tad,
I hope your grandpa gets well soon,
Happy Valetines Day!
xxx Asta (Oz)
I agree Tad. We are sending healing vibes to your Grandpa.
Hi, I'm new to this blogging thing. Just wanted to leave you a note saying how much I like your blog and that I think you are cute. I hope your Grandpa gets better soon.
You are one handsome dude, Tad!
We hope your grandpa feels better really soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are one handome & manly dude!
We are all saying a prayer for your sweet family.
How true, how true!
One good thing about Grandpa being sick is that you get to spend more time with ME!
I hope your grandpa feels better soon. I'm sure that seeing your handsome face will make him feel better!
Finally another Crestie blog!
Timmy will be thrilled when I tell him. What a cutie!
hey tad...
we are good friends of trudis and petra... we've been dropping by from time to time and we are sad to hear that your grandpa is not feeling well.
we hope he feels better in the coming days.. try to cheer him up with your manly man poses.. that ought to bring a smile to his face.
drooly kisses,
Hey handsome beast man.
We're hoping your Grandpaps feels better soon. Maybe you should pay him a visit and spread some of that canine sunshine?
PS- I heard about something called "Chicagoland Pet Expo." Sounds AWESOME. Ever been?
okay my mom said to tell you that it has been very long since she has seen a new pic of you...i hope you are doing well...and you mama and the family are okay..i miss you though
Dearest Tad,
We think you look like Nicodemus from Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh in some of those poses!
What do you think?
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