Here are some more pictures of my favorite spots in our house! This is the place where Massah puts all our toys, and then we pull them out one by one and strew them all around the house! Quite a fun game.

And this is where Massah and Massah-in-Law sit a lot to eat. That means that this is where Fig and I sit a lot to catch any falling scraps. (please ignore the black and white behemouth staring at you in this picture)

This is our fireplace where we sit every time someone turns on the fire. We spend hours in front of this glorious thing. We spend so much time there, in fact, that we have to make sure there's a blanket in place at all times and lots of toys and bones readily available.

And here are our windows! They're on either side of the fireplace so that we can jump up and bark at a moment's notice!

This one on the left we can peek our heads around, if Massah isn't in the room. She yells if she catches us doing that.

And the one on the right is pretty nice too. Can you see those cars out there? You wouldn't believe what people do to those things - first of all, they WALK OUT to them! And they're right in front of OUR house, so of course we yell and yell. And then they OPEN THE DOORS and make lots of banging sounds. So of course we yell and yell some more. And THEN they make the cars do some VAROOOM VAROOOOOOOMMMMM noises and it bothers us so much we have to yell even MORE at them. And once we yell long enough, they run away in the cars. Sometimes we have to yell a VERY LONG TIME before we scare them away. But we never give up.

And of course our dinner table. Right through those doors in the background is where our FOOD is kept. Yummmmmmmmmmm....

Every so often I have to stop by and check and see if any food has magically appeared since the last time I checked. You never know.