Saturday, September 29, 2007
helping paws
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
a pressie!
And we also got this dead cat frisbee! I threw it into the air lots and Mean Sister Fig played tug with it a lot!
Here's a video of me getting dressed. I'm a little "wormy" because I wanted to play with my tootsie roll, and I didn't understand how dapper I'd look in my new sweater, so I was kinda trying to get away. I'm never this uncooperative when I get dressed....
I'm going to put ALL the pictures up that Massah took of me... you know how they sometimes post the "outtakes" from a photo shoot? Well, here are mine:
I'm all ready to go to work with Massah! I think I over-heard her talking about me starting NEXT WEEK sometime! I'm READY now!!! But today I'll leave you with a picture of me and Mean Sister Fig. She got something from Ruby too, and the picture is a tease of what she'll be talking about on her blog in the next day or so:
Monday, September 24, 2007
I'm gonna look GOOD! Woot!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I'm traveling!
Monday, September 17, 2007
ANOTHER present!
AAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDD.... the most glorious, special present of ALL the histories of glorious and special presents!!!! LOOOOOOOOOK!
Oh my dogness it's my very own TAXI so I can go and visit my BFF Lola Sprout Beyonce ANY TIME I want!!!!! Now, if I can just figure out how to get into this thing....
It's slightly confusing - and harder than I thought it would be. But I have good motivation - look closely at part of the letter I've enlarged:
WHAT?! I haven't seen this HAT yet?!?! If Massah pulls something resembling a HAT out of that bag, this is all she'll see of me for a while - the BACK of my TAXI as I drive away to PIXBURG!!!!!
THANK YOU so much, Coco and Sophie!!!!! You're the besterest cousins in all the world, far and near!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
awards and scares
Isn't that awesome? She is such a sweet little chihuahuahuahuahua! And she has a name that makes me think of lots of nicknames for her, like Poppy Drop, Poppy-cicle, Poopy Poppy, Pop Pop, Stop Poppy and Roll, and lots of others! I want to pass this award on to Wiley and Fievel, if they haven't already gotten it from someone else! I can relate to Fievel (with a crabby older sibling) because I eat the green stuff off tennis balls too and it makes Mean Sister Fig mad at me.
ALSO, a few people have asked about when I will start me job. The short answer is: I don't know! Massah is still doing training (I hope she learns faster than I did in my training!) and so it will probaby be a couple weeks before I show up and start changing people's lives. Because I'm sure that's what I'll do - no one will be the same after meeting ME! Massah says no one's ear drums will be the same after meeting me, but she's just jealous. Not everyone can have such a healthy set of lungs like I do. Don't hate, Massah.
Anyway, I leave you today with a special presentation. This is actually a reality horror film that Massah-in-Law caught on tape as it happened. This is not a reinactment! Watch carefully as Big Dog, AKA Banjo, tries to kill me! First she sneaks up behind me as I try to go in the house, and then she attacks me when I get off the steps! She keeps lunging at me like she wants to eat me for dinner, and even rolls over ON HER BACK to put me off my guard before running behind me again and going in for a taste. I feared for me life! My tail is tucked WAAAY down between my legs I was so scared! I think she's a cannibal! I barely made it out of there alive! (note: this video is not for the faint of heart!)
Please don't be too terrified - it turns out okay. I escape by the skin of my teeth and safely make it back home. Big Dog is evil, and if you see her, please PLEASE be careful. She tries to disguise herself as Amber, but don't be fooled! Contance vigilance!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I guess it's better than getting my hairs cut off.... At least this way I can get it out pretty quick.
Friday, September 7, 2007
vet'narin report
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007
Massah-versary Celebrations!
I also got a squirrel toy thing, like Joe and Tanner got. This is the only picture we have of me and the squirrel because Mean Sister Fig steals it every time I try to play with it. Don't let her tell you she's having a bad weekend, by the way - she's stealing ALL MY STUFF and playing with it herself!
I also got a chewy FISH! Fig said that Tanner got one of those too and that I might be turning into TANNER! How FUN is that?!?!
Massah said I have MORE presents today, too! So I'll show those to you when I get them! AND, I got two VERY special presents, one from Asta Up Over and one from Balboa - I can't wait to show those to you! But for now I'm resting up... it's pretty exhausting to have everyone giving you presents and belly rubs and ear scratches all day long!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Massah called me over and...
Massah gave me some HERSELF!!!!! All of this was for MEEEEE:
Oh joy of all joys! Watch me gobble it up!
This was just the beginning!!! I can't IMAGINE what will happen the rest of the day!!!!!