I am on a roll with my posts - THREE in one week! So I'm going to keep going, even though I have nothing to say, really. But I'm going to play Ike's "How'd you get your name?" game. Here's the newest picture of me, though. Taken approximately 120 seconds ago:
Now. Tadpole Pomegranate. My girl wasn't planning on getting a dog when she first saw me. But once she saw my adorable, sweet, innocent, endearing face she couldn't say no. Actually, it was probably the urine-soaked house and pitch black basement that swayed her judgement, but whatever. Now, she carries a list of possible doggin names around in her head at all times (apparently she must be prepared in case a nameless pup stops her on the side of the road and asks for her assistance in choosing a moniker) and once we were in the car she started going through them. Evidently I wasn't a Pea Pod (that was - and still is - her favorite). Or a Belly. Or a Butter. Or any of the others (which were mostly girl names - she never considered getting a boy... she didn't want to deal with the hanging stuff). And then TADPOLE came out. *shrug* I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with the fact that I was pale, skinny, naked, pointy, and wiggly/wormy. When Motch saw me, she came up with Pomegranate. If my girl would have thought of that in the car before she named me, I probably would be Pomegranate. But it was TOO LATE. I was Tadpole. Tadpole Pomegranate. AKA the Little Naked Chinese Man. AKA Taddy-wack. AKA T-Pole. AKA Poley. And numerous others. As I leave you, please enjoy the out-takes of my photo shoot today (titles under the photos):
"frightening eye"
"all scrunched up and nowhere to look"